choosing health for conscious living

I have always had the feeling that life could be more than it was. That feeling could sometimes make me feel lonely or empty, and sometimes make me squirm like I was trapped inside a too tight sweater, fighting for my freedom trying to get out without finding the way. Although I had been searching my whole life, I did not feel seen or truly at home anywhere, especially not in my body.



If we are seriously integrating an Ayurvedic lifestyle then it no longer becomes possible to ignore the unhealthy choices we make. Ayurveda provides everyone a routine, diet and lifestyle that promotes wellbeing and health. No matter how much knowledge and learning one has, it still comes back to the individual making a choice.



Ayurveda is for me the most amazing gift a human being can receive.I never thought that this richness of health would be found in making such simple changes. It’s all about aligning yourself with natural rhythms. I’ve learned that feeling good and feeling healthy is not the same thing. I’ve experienced what going with Nature is and what it does to your whole system. With Ayurveda I am experiencing a whole new way of being; I feel alive for the first time in my life. Ayurveda is a science, a philosophy, a lifestyle, but mostly a choice. I’ve made the choice of growing healthy, and this has been the most important choice I’ve made in my life.



One of the first things I thought first time seeing Umā Inder was: She is not only existing in her life, she is experiencing life—I want that! I was starving for that. My diseased and disconnected body and mind had hunger and I was searching for a way out.Now starting to write this text I don’t know where to start. The change in how I now view and experience life is vast. And I am not done comprehending the teachings from Umā. It’s amazing how I can experience the same thing over and over again, with a deeper and
broader meaning each time.



4 years ago I met Umā Inder and I started a new way of knowing myself and a new way of knowing yoga since beginning 12 years ago in Monterrey, México. From the first time I saw her in Bali, something ancestral connected with me and made me leave everything I was doing in that moment to only ask myself why it was really important for me to have somewhere to go.



I do not have much knowledge of Ayurveda, but the impact in my life of the little bit that I did get to understand is great. Nature has always been my refuge, my sanctuary where I could find connection and balance, dissolve accumulated waste and be nourished. Just being still in nature with my bare feet on the ground, listening, not doing anything, or whenever I could find a crystal clear mountain stream I would immerse myself in the vital waters, relaxing into the cold, cold embrace, letting go….



Watching, catching the mind, the emotions and the sexual waters. Being aware of this triangular interface I must say honestly that prior to Panchakarma a dull feeling had crept in. A wonderful freedom but a grey landscape. A bleak landscape, a moon-surfaced outpost. During Panchakarma and definitely after, an unfelt before color began to seep in. Going with nature seemed to have switched something. Would I call this love? I am not sure. This thing is now felt in the foreground, background and in-ground during conversations. It is felt everywhere now.

