Ayurveda Consultations

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda means the Science of Life. Ayurveda is an integrative medicinal system recorded in sacred Indian texts as old as 5,000 years. Philosopher-physicians solved cosmic mysteries and transmitted facts in profound, elegant terms. They perfected holistic technologies for maintaining internal balance and living a long, fulfilling life.


What is a Going With Nature Ayurveda Consultation?

A consultation with Going With Nature consultants will answer questions about yourself: your true, original, natural self.
Bring little and big questions about your life. Discover truths about your nature you didn’t know or may have forgotten. Explore ways to recharge your love for life and the strength to persevere when facing challenges. Awaken the understanding that our greatest wealth is health and peace of mind.


Your consultation will address questions of a limitless range, including but not limited to:

Who am I? What is my life’s purpose? What will make me truly happy? How can I awaken to my full potential? How do I maintain connection with higher consciousness? How do I integrate my spiritual experiences into my regular life? What meditation and yoga is right for me? How to balance my career and relationships? How do I eat for my type? How can I get more energy? What will help me to sleep better? How can I feel more calm? How do I lose weight easily? How can I look and feel my best from the inside out? What exercise suits me best? How can I stay youthful?

These questions and more have been answered by Ayurveda for thousands of years.


What happens in your initial consultation?

To determine your constitution and condition, whether online or in person, Going With Nature consultants navigate a traditional, detailed process to chart your personal history and specific health concerns. Discuss the means to stabilize physical, mental, emotional and spiritual freedom. Based on this information, a set of daily regimens including diet, lifestyle, herbs, yoga, breathing and meditation is also discussed and personalized for you to digest in your own time and integrate, as a way to maintain balance independently.


To book your consultation please click on this link



“Since working with Uma, I have undergone a massive transformation
and feel the happiest and healthiest I have ever been in my life.
I can now really live.” – Lauren, Australia