How Ayurveda Changes My Life

One of the first things I thought first time seeing Umā Inder was: She is not only existing in her life, she is experiencing life—I want that! I was starving for that. My diseased and disconnected body and mind had hunger and I was searching for a way out.


Now starting to write this text I don’t know where to start. The change in how I now view and experience life is vast. And I am not done comprehending the teachings from Umā. It’s amazing how I can experience the same thing over and over again, with a deeper and broader meaning each time.


In the start it was merely about education, getting the theory, eating at the same time in the day, applying the oil mechanically, missing the connection totally. Many people are talking about how “you have to love yourself”, practice self love. Very few about how. Ayurveda is one way how. Self care is a way to self love. Honoring this body, this vessel that we are born into, a gift that allows us to have a human experience. Nurturing it, providing sleep, morning practice, creating a thriving home environment, healthy sex. Including both pain and pleasure. Obstacles and happy moments. Experiencing all the amazing things this body can do!
I have found that these wow moments are quite small and often mundane. Like when I now hear the chirping of a bird in a tree I notice the sound and I feel the joy spreading through my body, as opposed to before when I only heard the sound.


Now when I am eating I enjoy the shape of it, put it in my mouth and taste it, knowing that this piece will nurture and build the cells in my body. Opposed to before when I would eat, be on the internet and watch tv at the same time, not recognizing the act of eating at all. Everyday magic in the smallest things. Has such an enriching effect on the way of living. And less need of being entertained.
This does not mean that I am done, even if I have much knowledge and new healthy patterns. I have my times where I choose the unhealthy option. But now I have a support system, when I fall out, I am conscious about my action—and I have a support system that I can step back into. I have not destroyed everything, I can keep going and keep practicing every day. And in these simple every day practices I am discovering myself, who am I behind all the lies I have been telling myself, finding my true voice, my place in the world and exploring how to act from integrity. I am “Going with Nature” and learning to understand that how my choices and how I treat myself is connected to my surroundings and environment. By taking care of me I am taking care of Nature. Its so, so beautiful. Thank you Umā for all your time, for always listening and never accepting my falsity.


Thea, Norway
Yoga Instructor