Going With Nature
Choosing Health for Conscious Living

By knowing we are going with nature, we choose health for conscious living.


By repeatedly going against nature—our nature—the consequences accumulate. Some of these depleting, aggravating, numbing consequences we might only realize once the illness feels beyond our control and beyond repair. Restoring health and preventing imbalances is a process of informed decision-making. Developing a fundamental understanding of how we can choose health day by day is key. And this is one reason why Ayurveda is reviving today’s world view of personal health care—it is the committed practice of natural, self-responsible nurturance and purposeful longevity.


Ayurveda, the Indian Science of Life, is a time-tested, traditional and yet cross-cultural, medicinal system relevant to all, anywhere, anytime. Inherent to its workings is the promotion of free, intelligent compliance with natural law, as the premise of personalized regeneration, preservation and cure.


Formidable is this humanistic system which aims to prevent, undermine and reverse disease pathology by exposing both the qualitative and quantitative nature of its elemental process at any stage. Profound is the great turnaround and reset once the mental and cellular nature of deep unease is addressed so effectively.


Its not just what you can see that is wrong or sick but how that feels for you, in you, even as it appears to change. Allowing yourself the compassionate introspection, you may ask—how did you get that way and why you and why now? And why does it keep coming back? And now what? All these questions begin the investigative process of whole-body healing and through this the process of a real, felt-sense freedom from fearful ignorance or powerlessness over your wellbeing.


Going With Nature offers you first hand experiences of how Ayurveda can change one’s life. And it offers—through in-depth consultations, flexible coaching programs, education modules and guided detox and rejuvenation programs—a measured means to direct your life towards fulfilment of being.